Vineyard Missions
Multiplying disciples at home & around the globe!
Our Missionaries
These individuals are spreading the message of the kingdom & multiplying disciples around the world.
Our sent-out missionaries are Stephen & Anna Price who are planting Vineyard Churches in Mexico and Jim & Vicki Egli with New Generations, working mostly in West Africa.
Stephen & Anna have been serving as full time missionaries in Mexico since 2013. Together they help create, equip, and multiply disciples of Jesus. This has resulted in thriving church plants released back to local indigenous leaders and pastors. After 10 years in the field and 1 year sabbatical back in the states, the Price family is re-launching to Guadalajara in July of 2024! Their mission is to make Jesus known and see his culture embraced and extended throughout the city of Guadalajara for generations to come.
Jim & Vicki have been a part of the Vineyard movement since 1992. Together they help launch and equip church planting movements in West Africa. They are also Curriculum Coordinators for New Generations. In this role they develop training and resources for the worldwide Disciple Making Movement. It’s their passion to multiply disciples, leaders, and churches around the world, especially among un-reached people groups.